Now when we told him it was a joke...yeah, that gave him the right to kick my ass, so I ran like hell that time. But, of course he was relieved too...I mean when I found out Blair was gonna be a mom...I wanted to bash Dally's nuts in, but now that I see those kids and the fact that I get to be their uncle, makes me the happiest uncle in the world. I would die for those kids. And then I look at Soda, and how happy he is as a dad, and the kinda joy that brings him. I may not have kids, but I know that having kids changes a man, in most cases for the good.
A while after telling everyone that a little TwoBit Kitty baby didn't exist, I was first, but now....I'd have to honestly say I was starting to like the idea. The idea of having a child with the woman I love most in the have that kind of bond with watch her delight in being a mother...I started to really want that. The idea grew on me. I want to share that with her, I want that excitement in my life. But, knowing that with her condition its nearly impossibly at the moment...makes me want to help her get better even more. It's tough just sitting here..watching her waste away like she doesn't mean anything to the world, when in fact she means everything. If she weighed 200lbs, I would still think she's just as beautiful as she is now....I just wish she could see that.
I think working at Dim's restaurant will be good for her, it gets her outta the house at least, and with me working there too, I'll get to keep an eye on her.
I was walking home from my first shift yesterday. I passed by an alley way and suddenly stopped. I heard a small whimper coming from the dumpster half way into the alley. I got closer and saw the trash inside slightly moving. I dug around a little to reveal... and found a trash bag moving...I pulled out my switch and carefully cut a hole into the bad, and out rolled the tiniest little while ball of fur i'd ever seen. He was shaking and filthy. I picked him up and put him in the pocket of my jacket, his little head bobbing out the top. I made a stop at the store before getting back home. I bathed him in the sink then dried him off with a towel. I heard Kitty coming in the front door, so I cupped the little guy between my hands.
"Hello Beautiful." I said, kissing her softly.
"I have a present for you." I opened my hands and revealed the little while puppy nestled between them.