Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Till Death Do Us Part?

I woke up rubbing my eyes, it was well past noon and I was surprised not to feel a hangover coming on. I walked out into the hallway just to have Kitty yelling at me to go back to sleep. o.O I slowly turned and walked back into the room. Plopping down on the bed, I turned the TV to mickey mouse, burying my chin into a pillow laying on my stomach. Metal was clinging in the kitchen and the house was filled with a pleasant smell. A little while later Kitty walked in holding a plate of brownies.
Brownies? I thought to myself. Well, she IS a Curtis.
I took one bite, "Kitty...are these my mom's brownies?"
She nodded. The last person to ever make them was my mom of course, and now that she wasn't around to do it, I had Kitty. No one makes brownies like my momma, but Kitty did come pretty damn close. I savored every bite as memories of my mom floated back into my mind. I usually would be really picky about someone else making my mothers brownies. One time Mom went on vacation with some friends to the beach. She was only gone a week, but I was high and REALLY wanted those brownies, I damn nearly cried, so Blair attempted to make them. She followed the right recipe and everything, but something about them just wasn't Mom's. It resulted me throwing them in her face. This time was different, although I do have a deep love for my little sisters, my love for Kit is above and beyond, not in a bad way, just a different way. If anyone in the world had to make my momma's brownies besides my momma, I would want it to be Kitty. I love Kitty, despite my recent choices, I do love her more than anything.
Kitty took me out to some place behind the South side. It was a meadow, funny how we never knew it was there before. Anyway, we had a good time just goofing around and lying in the sun.
"Why don't we get married? Right here. Right now. Just us."
The question didn't take me by surprise, in fact it didn't even startle me like it would most guys,
"Well Kitty, I guess we can ask that tree over there to be the reverend.." I said cracking a joke. But then I suddenly meant it in all seriousness. I stood up and pulled Kitty closely behind me untill we were standing in front of the tree I gestured to. I used a high pitch squeaky voice to portray the tree reverend,
"KitKat Sarah Curtis.. do you take me to be your husband? To have and to hold till death do us part?"
Kitty smiled, "Yes I do.... Keith Andrew Mathews, Do you take me as your wife? To have and to hold till death do us part?"
I looked at her for a long while, "And longer." I said. Then I kissed her.