My mind was clear. I wasn't going to let my thoughts get ahead of me.
Dad came out and helped me load up the car, somehow the entire time he managed to not say a single word to me. Jamie was daddy's girl, whither she liked it or not. I was always daddy's disappointment, not that it ever bothered me much, I preferred being closer to mom anyways.
"Alright are we ready to go?" Jamie came out of the house dressed comfortably for the long ride ahead.
"As soon as you give me a hug goodbye.." Dad wrapped his arms around her like she was the most loved thing in the world.
She was almost too eager when they broke apart.
I got back in the fully loaded car and turned to Jamie.
"Got everything?" I asked.
"Yup" She answered quickly.
"Got your pillow?"
"Your tooth brush?"
"Towels, sheets, hair dryer.."
"Alright, alright." Her point came across loud and clear.
I backed out of the drive way. Here we go, sixteen hours in a car.
Jamie immediately hooked up her Ipod and began to blast some pop diva what not song through my speakers.
"Really? Is it going to be like this the whole way? I sighed.
"Yup." She looked at me with a grin on her face.
"Fine, then you can walk..' I slammed on the brakes which caused Jamie to smack he head against the dash board."
"Oh my God, can we please get there alive?" she shouted.
"I'll make you a deal... You pick a song, then I pick a song, then you, then me and so on," She liked that idea. "and put your seat belt on." I said being the older brother I never was.
The first hour was pretty quiet, we went back and forth choosing songs on the radio. I started to sing along to the next one she chose, and not knowing the words, I made up my own and sang in the most high pitched girly voice I could. This scored me some laughs and a few punches in the arm.
"Oh, I almost forgot," I said pulling an envelope from the pocket of my leather jacket.
"This is from Kitty."
I heard a few giggles and suddenly regretted not reading it before I gave it to her.
About three hours in I pulled into Dairy Queen and ordered some food and drinks. Hopefully that would keep any upcoming "heart to heart" conversations prolonged a little while longer.
Jamie pulled out a brochure and glanced through it..
"Oooh, they have a pool...and a coffee shop... oh hes cute," she pointed to a picture of some boy on the page.
"Do you want me to burn down the place before classes start?" I threatened.
Jamie sighed, "It's college, I'm supposed to have fun." she argued.
"Not that kind of fun." I added.
"Isn't that what college is all about?" She flipped through the brochure a second time.
"Jamie, I swear if some stupid kid knocks you up Ima come up there and beat the kid's head in...along with a few other things." I made myself clear.
"Yeah yeah." She said. "That why we use condoms." She somehow found that statement sunny, but I was serious.
I reached over with one hand and tickled her.
"I'm hear me young lady?" I shouted over the laughing.
"Yes DAD, I hear ya." She teased.
"Oh you ain't seen Dad yet. I'm just getting started."
"Ehh, at least I know you'll make a good father someday." She added.
I shivered.
"'s okay, I can't picture it either." She said laughing.
About half way in Jamie fell asleep, it was almost midnight, and I couldn't believe I was going to drive sixteen straight hours. I had to make frequent stops to Starbucks.
The car ride was very quiet for a while...except for Jamie snoring XD. She finally gave up around three AM and sat up straight in her seat. She flipped the mirror down and stared into it.
"ugghh, I'm going to look awful." She stated.
"It's alright. It'll be about eight AM, all the college kids are asleep. And besides, it's only summer semester so there won't be as many kids anyways." I said.
"Yeah...but what if THE perfect guy just happens to be awake and out in the hall when we pull up" And I look like this?." She pointed to her face.
"Well, if he's the perfect guy, then he won't care. He'd think you we're pretty if you just crawled out from being in a sewage drain for a week." I said.
She gave me a dumb look, "Would you think Kit was pretty after being in a sewage drain for a week?" she questioned.
"Beautiful!" I said smiling.
She just stared at me.
"I'm serious James, ya know not all guys base everything on looks. You shouldn't judge all guys with Dallas, he don't make us look very good."
She stared out the window for the next several minutes.
"Ya know, I think I'm actually going to miss Tulsa." She said.
"Well, there's a lot to miss." I said.
Jamie sighed, "but you'll be okay James, you'll make new friends and soon enough forget all about ole' Tulsa." I added.
"That's what I'm afraid of." She replied.
Great! Good going Keith, way to make things better -.-
"I have a present for you." I was going to wait and give it to her when we got there, but I decided to lighten things up. We pulled up to a red light and I reached behind my seat for the big box wrapped in purple shiny paper.
"This is from Dimitri and Jelly." I said handing it to her.
She ripped off the paper and almost screamed.
"A 25" plasma screen TV???" I thought she was going to hyperventilate.
"They thought it'd fit nicely in your room." I said.
"I am so going to have to skype them when I get there." She replied.
We pulled in to a little diner to have breakfast around seven. I never thought eggs and bacon could look so good. Jamie scarfed down about half a dozen pancakes and orange juice.
"Good luck getting a guy that way." I teased as she shoved food into her mouth.
"Tim sure didn't seem to mind." She said smiling.
After breakfast we conquered the last hour of our trip and finally rolled into the parking lot at eight AM. I had my arms filled with boxes as we headed upstairs to the fourth floor and into room 419.
"Home sweet home." Jamie said.
The dorm room was nicer than any of the dorms I've ever been in, and having the reputation with women that I do, that's been a lot of dorms. The bathroom was huge, bigger than all the bathrooms in my apartment put together.
We finally got all the boxes upstairs and the furniture arranged.
"God Jamie, do you really need all this stuff?" I was starting to wonder how it all fit in the car. Jamie sat down on the bed exhausted.
"I'm starting to wonder myself." she said.
"Well, I guess this is my que to go.." I said.
Jamie looked down at the floor.
"Good luck kiddo," I ran my hand over her head messing up her hair. When she moved I expected her to slap my hand away but instead she threw her arms around me and hugged me. I held on to her tight, not remembering the last time I hugged one of my sisters like this.
"Have fun, work hard...I'm proud of you kid." I said finally pulling away.
I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a wad of hundred dollar bills.
"Here, this is for you." I handed it to her.
"I don't need any.." I cut her off.
"Trust me, you'll need it." I smiled.
"Thanks." she said.
I kissed her on the forehead before turning to leave.
"Love you James." I said just before turning out the door.
"Love you too brother. See ya June 21st." She looked up and smiled.
"See ya!" And I turned and left.
Half the car ride home I cried. Damn sentimental goodbyes. But I know she'll be okay, she's strong, and smarter than I am which probably ain't sayin much. She's going to be successful, she's going to make something of herself. I kept telling myself these things all the way home, I don't think I woulda ever made it back otherwise.